How to transfer domain across GoDaddy accounts
How to transfer domain across GoDaddy accounts

How to transfer domain across GoDaddy accounts

Transferring domains to another owner can be a difficult task, but if both owners have GoDaddy, it is a very simple procedure.

In order to transfer the domain to another owner, you will need to get:

  • The customer number of the receiving owner,
  • And their email address asscociated with their GoDaddy account.

The Customer number is located in the upper right corner, under the usermane menu.



To get the email, go to the same menu, and select Account Settings


Once you have that information, go the account of the current owner of the domain and go to the advanced view of the domain manager.



Then select the domain you wish to transfer and under the "ownership" meny select "Move to other GoDaddy Account"


On the next screen, add the email and customer number of the receiving account, and under Do you want to copy the current domain contact information to the new account? Select "YES" this will make the process faster, and will allow the new owner to change the information if the need to. Then click Transfer.


If everything went well, a confirmation email will be sent to the new owner accepting the transfer. Once the transfer is accepted the domain will be successfully transfered. 



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