
Table Views display information from the database, here is how tow to add emails with mailto links

For this feature, no option type is required,

This option will display any email  fetched from the database and add a mailto link

In the table View page add a column for your email. For example EMAIL, in this case 120 is a with of 120px


array_push($td_titles, "120-EMAIL");


Then we need to create an array with the follwing values, some of them are optional.
"type" is required, this tells that we are going to add an email
"col" is also required to specify the database column name where the email will be fetched from
"title" is optional and specifies a column from the database where the title will be fetched from, by default it is "SEND EMAIL"


$tdvalue = array(
'title'=>'', //optional, default: 'SEND EMAIL'
'privilege'=> 4, //optional, 4 will show the field only to High and Admin privileges, default is 1
'class'=>'',   //optional, class name selector default: none (empty)
'attribute'=>'',  //optional, can be any attribute(s) with value(s) default: none (empty)
'icon'=>'' //optional any text, html code or fontawesome icon, default: <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i>

Then the array is added to the $td_fields array.


$td_titles = array();
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