Action buttosn are very elegant and are displayed next to the section title like tabs. These links can have a icon at the end using font awesome.
To create these action buttons, simply create an array with the following name: $actionButton, although there are 3 other default variables than can be used.
By default there are 3 predefined action buttons that can be added to Articles, separated with collons, add the name of the page and the option type:
$imageGallery = 'ARTICLE IMAGES:VIMPLD'; $videoGallery = 'ARTICLE VIDEOS:FZVTPLD';
Ther is also the preview URL that opens the webpage in a separate tag. separated with colons add the file name,langauge,ID column and title column. the last 2 are optional.
$previewURL = 'article:en:BLOGID:title_en';
$previewURL = 'services:en';
If we need to add more or other action buttons, we use then the $actionButton array variable, where you can add the following array (Recommended):
$actionButton[0] = array( link => getPath('BLOGS','BLOG','ADD ARTICLE'), text => 'ADD NEW ARTICLE', icon => '<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>' //optional )
or use the inline quick format where the value of each button is the url, Button text and icon (font -awesome) all separated with colons ":" (this format doesn't have target option).
$elmid = 'add_article'; $actionButton[0] = getPath('BLOGS','BLOG','ADD ARTICLE').':ADD NEW ARTICLE:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>:$elmid';
Other options can be added scuh as elm ID (an id for each action button) and target (full HTML attribute and value)
id => 'edit_article', // optional target => 'target="_blank"' //optional
If an ID is not provided, it will automatically assign and id as AB_$i where $i is the element nth value:
id="ab_0" id="ab_1" //and so on
For Edit pages or pages not in the menu you need to create the proper link with optionTypes ajnd next ID (array format, recommended):
$optionType = 'VFEDLPSIUW'; $nextid = $db_actions->result(0,'AID'); $actionButton[1] = array( link => getPath('BLOGS','BLOG','EDIT ARTICLE',$optionType,$nextid), text => 'BACK TO EDIT ARTICLE', icon => '<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>', //optional id => 'edit_article', // optional target => 'target="_blank"' //optional )
Inline (quick format)
$actionButton[1] = getPath('BLOGS','BLOG','EDIT ARTICLE',$optionType,$nextid).":BACK TO EDIT ARTICLE:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>:".$elmid;
FYI, more parameters can be added to the link as a query string ?var=value
link => getPath('BLOGS','BLOG','ADD ARTICLE').'?'.$qstring.';