How to create a page without adding it to the menu

Sometimes we need to create a section in KAS but it doesn't necessarily needs to be part of the menu. Similar to edit sections.

When we create an edit page, this pages are only linked from view pages (edit button) or if we create a link somewhere else in KAS by using the getPath() function.

We can do something similar for non-edit pages, such as view pages or add pages. But we need to create the URL in a smart way:

Let's think we are using an action button:


$actionButton[0] = 
'/kas/op_PAGE~NAME-'.$KMID.'-'.$KSMID.'-'.$KSMOID.'_'.$idvalue.'_VDNWL.kas:PAGE NAME:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>';




$actionButton[0] = 
getPath('MENU NAME','SUBMENU NAME','PAGE NAME','VDNWL',$idvalue).':PAGE NAME:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>';


or If the next page has pagination:


$actionButton[0] = 
getPath('MENU NAME','SUBMENU NAME','PAGE NAME','VDNWL','-0-100-'.$idvalue).':PAGE NAME:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>';


In either wat the important thing is keep in mind that $KMID or The main section in getpath() iis the current Menu folder or the folder in KAS where we need to save our new doucment.

We also need to provide the option type string, in order to do that we need to add an ID (because the system might think it is an edit section), if no ID is required simply pass 0 (it must be string with numeric value)

For example, the following will redirect to something like this


getPath('CONTENT','HOME','VIEW BANNERS','VIPLDS','0').':VIEW BANNERS:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>';


While the following will find the option types on the database and do its job in the background


getPath('CONTENT','HOME','VIEW BANNERS').':VIEW BANNERS:<i class="fas fa-layer-plus"></i>';


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