Aside Content - option type a

How to create aside Content, option tyme a (lower case)

Aside Content is a great tool to add extra content to our section, it xan be supportive information, a form, filters, other actions or sources, etc.

To create a section with Aside content, simply use the option type a (lower case) in any section of your project.


To manually add it use:

$options['aside_content'] = true;

To add content into the aside create a folder ASIDE inside the folder of your section, then create a new file with the same name as the one the aside is being implemented, for example if the file is sales_report.php, you will need to create a file sales_report.php inside the new ASIDE filder, whatever content you add to the ASIDE file, wll be shown in the new aside content.

Any content can be added, manual forms, KAS forms, tables, ifrmaes, anything, 

The ASIDE is loaded after the main content, so if you need to create a live KAS form, and the main content was a table, you will need to manually add and remove the required option types in the top of your ASIDE.

You can also determine the size of the aside using the following variable:


$asideWidth = 400 //the default is 250


The aside content will benefit from any other actions of the section and you can also add manual actions to it.

For more info on Filters, chech the Date Filters documention on the Table Views.

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