JS Charts - Option Type J

Add Line, Bar and Pie charts to table views

For this feature to work we need to the add the option type J to our section or manually set


$options['js_charts'] = true;


 We have different types of Charts and each have different configuration, all with the use of the array variable $jschart_settings:

LINE CHARTS : we need to set 3 mandatory values:

$jschart_settings = array(
  'type' => 'line',
  'x-value'=>' DB_COL_NAME',  //The value on the X axis (database column name)
  'data-value'=>'DB_COL_NAME',  // The value on the Y axis (database column name)


This is the complete list of default values that can also be changed:


$jschart_settings = array(
  'type' => 'line',
  'parentid' => 'chart_div', //chart wrapper
  'canvasid' => 'myChart', //canvas ID
  'x-value'=>' DB_COL_NAME',  //The value on the X axis (database column name)
  'data-value'=>'DB_COL_NAME',  // The value on the Y axis (database column name)


PIE CHARTS : we need to set the same 3 mandatory values for LINE CHARTS, but in this case we can also add an image and a link for each result, in such case we can decide to "fetch" the image source or link URL as is from the database, or us a format that will be replaced with a value or values from the database.


$jschart_settings = [
  'type' => 'pie',
    'format' => 'replace', //replace or from fetch
    'src' => '/images/%%ID%%/icons/%%NAME%%.jpg', //db column when fetch
      0 => 'ID',
      1 => 'NAME'
  ], //optional
    'format' => 'fetch', //replace or from fetch
    'url' => 'URL'
  ], //optional


These are the full options and their default values:

//JS Pie Charts
$colors = array();
$colors[0] = array(

$colors[1] = array(

$jschart_settings = [
  'type' => 'pie',
  'parentid' => 'chart_div',
  'canvasid' => 'myChart',
    'format' => 'replace', //replace or from fetch
    'src' => '/images/%%ID%%/icons/%%NAME%%.jpg', //db column when fetch
      0 => 'ID',
      1 => 'NAME'
  ], //optional
    'format' => 'fetch', //replace or from fetch
    'url' => 'URL'
  ], //optional
Source: http
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