How to install an email account on your android device (POP)
How to install an email account on your android device (POP)

How to install an email account on your android device (POP)

A step by step guide on how to set up an email account on your android device with images.
  1. Open the email application.
  2. On the menu select MANAGE ACCOUNTS.
  3. Select ADD ACCOUNT.
  4. Enter you email and password and select MANUAL SETUP.
  5. Select POP3 ACCOUNT.
  6. Enter your email, username and password. The username is your full email, incoming server is
  7. Scroll down and select SECURITY: NONE, port 110 and delete email from server: when deleted from inbox.
  8. Next: Enter the outgoing server:, port 587 (if 587 doesn't work, try port 26), require sign in, security none. Add your full email as username and password.
  9. Select your sync preferences.
  10. Give a name to your account.
Source: Multimedia XP


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