Is it possible to check mail form other accounts using IMAP on Gmail?
Is it possible to check mail form other accounts using IMAP on Gmail?

Is it possible to check mail form other accounts using IMAP on Gmail?

When checking mail from other accounts in Gmail, receiving mails can take a very long time because Gmail doesn't check the POP sever very often, this trick will make Gmail receive emails immediately after they were sent, even if using POP3 to download them,


Retrieving server side information from cPanel

1. Log into the cPanel server where your email account is located
2. Under 'Email', hit Email Accounts
3. Choose the 'Add Email Account' tab to create an email
4. If it exists already, click the 'Email Accounts' tab and search for your email

5. Connect Devices
6. Scroll down to 'Mail Client Manual Settings', this information will be used shortly in Gmail


Email Filter

1. Log into the cPanel server where your email account is located
2. Email Filters under Email
3. Find your email and hit 'Manage Filters'
4. Create a New Filter

5. Fill out the information:
  5A. Filter name can be anything, typically something simple like 'Redirect' works
  5B. Rule is 'Spam Status' - 'does not begin' for the drop downs and 'Yes' for the input field
  5C. Add action: 'Redirect to Email' then enter the desired email
  5D. Add action: Discard Message
  5E. Add action: Stop Processing Rules
  5F. Create


Gmail Settings

1. Open Gmail Account
2. Settings
3. Account and Import
4. Check mail from other accounts: Add a mail account


Pop up Window

1. Enter email address with the mail you'd like to check (add) - Next
2. Check: Import emails from my other account (POP3) - Next
3. Using the information retrieved from STEP1, complete the corresponding fields using the POP server inputs

4. Check 'Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail.
5. Leave everything else unchecked - Add Account
6. Once it has been added, check 'Yes, I want to be able to send mail as...' - Next
7. Choose an appropriate name and check the 'Treat as an alias' box - Next Step
8. Finally, you should receive an email in your inbox with a confirmation code, enter and hit 'Verify'


BONUS: Logging in with an alternate email

1. When in Gmail, hit your image icon in the top right
2. Google Account
3. Personal Info
4. Under 'Contact Info', select 'Email'
5. Under 'Advanced' hit 'Alternate Email'

6. Login and add your preferred login email
7. Done!


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